Application Service > Maps > SDK User Guide for Android Maps

Describes the basic project configuration method to enable iNavi maps on Android.


  • To enable iNavi maps, Appkey is required for authentication.

Enable Service

  • Go to [NHN Cloud Console], select a service and click Application Service > Maps.

Check Appkey

  • To check your appkey, go to URL & Appkey on top of the NHN Cloud Console.

Project Configuration

To use iNavi Maps SDK, set a repository for the build.gradle file of the project and at the app module level and add dependency on iNavi Maps SDK like below.

Deployed as a new map storage starting from SDK 0.10.0. You must change the map storage if you are using the previous map storage. - Previous - - New -

/* Root Project build.gradle */

allprojects {
    repositories {
        // Repository for iNavi maps 
        maven {
            url ''
/* App Module build.gradle */

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.inavi.mapsdk:inavi-maps-sdk:0.10.0'

Setting Appkey

Appkeys can be set in two methods as below:

Without appkey setup, authentication error may occur during map initialization.

1. Set on AndroidManifest.xml

Add <meta-data> toAndroidManifest.xml to set an appkey.

<!-- AndroidManifext.xml -->

            android:value="YOUR_APP_KEY" />

2. Call InaviMapSdk API

To set appkey, call function of the [InaviMapSdk] singleton object dynamically at the time when application is created.

// Kotlin
InaviMapSdk.getInstance(context).appKey = "YOUR_APP_KEY"

Authentication Failure

If authentication fails for map initialization, the error code and message is delivered via callback registered within SDK.
To receive callbacks on failure, set [AuthFailureCallback] for the [InaviMapSdk] singleton object as below:

// Kotlin
InaviMapSdk.getInstance(context).authFailureCallback =
    InaviMapSdk.AuthFailureCallback { errCode: Int, msg: String ->
        // Process failure in authentication

Unless callback for authentication failure is set, error codes and messages are displayed on popups by default.

Authentication Error Codes

Code Description
300 Appkey is invalid
401 Appkey is not set
503 Server connection failed
504 Exceeded server connection time
500 Unknown error
Others Server error (to be updated with definition)

Creating Maps

Describes how to display iNavi maps on the app.

Display Maps

Add the <fragment> tag in the activity layout file as below and define [InvMapFragment], and the map is displayed.

    android:name="com.inavi.mapsdk.maps.InvMapFragment" />

Access Map Objects

All map-related operations are made available by the [InaviMap] object. To access the [InaviMap] object, call the getMapAsync() function of the [InvMapFragment] object. When map is fully initialized, the [InaviMap] object is delivered via the onMapReady() callback function.

// Kotlin
val mapFragment = supportFragmentManager.findFragmentById( as InvMapFragment
mapFragment.getMapAsync(object : OnMapReadyCallback {
    override fun onMapReady(inaviMap: InaviMap) {
        // Access available to InaviMap 

Set Map Events

Events can be set for interactions between map and user, such as clicks on map, double-clicks, or long-clicks.

// Kotlin
inaviMap.setOnMapClickListener { pointF, latLng ->
    // pointF: Coordinates on screen of clicked point
    // latLng: Coordinates on map of clicked point 
    Toast.makeText(context, "Click on Map", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

Expose Markers

Create a marker object, and set position and map attributes, and the marker is displayed.

// Kotlin
val marker = InvMarker().apply {
    position = LatLng(37.40219, 127.11077)
    title = "Title"
    map = inaviMap

Remove Markers

Set null for the map attribute of the marker object, and the marker is removed.

// Kotlin = null

Move Cameras

Create the [CameraUpdate] object via factory method or [CameraUpdateBuilder], and deliver parameters to the moveCamera() function and call, then you can move the camera.

Since callback is supported for animation and camera events, you can implement camera movement as much as you need.

// Kotlin
val cameraUpdate = CameraUpdate.targetTo(LatLng(36.99473, 127.81832))
cameraUpdate.setAnimationType(CameraAnimationType.Fly, 3000)

Create your own map style

Map Studio serves you to create your own unique map by allowing you to modify not only fonts but also map colors and legends icons as you want. Also, with the APIs from the latest SDK version, you can apply your own custom style to your map.

// Kotlin
InaviMapSdk.getInstance(this).authSuccessCallback = object: InaviMapSdk.AuthSuccessCallback{
    override fun onAuthSuccess(mapStyleList: MutableList<MapStyle>) {
        // Delivers the list of map styles as a callback upon completion of map initialization authentication
// Applies the first custom style from the list of the saved custom styles to the map
inaviMap.customMapStyle = InaviMapSdk.getInstance(context).savedCustomMapStyles.firstOrNull()

Guide for Main iNavi Maps SDK

For more details on Maps SDK, see API Center for iNavi Maps.

[InaviMapSdk] : [InaviMap] : [InvMapView] : [InvMapFragment] : [AuthFailureCallback] : [CameraUpdate] : [CameraUpdateBuilder] :

[NHN Cloud Console] :